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Finding the Rewards in Your Work


I often forget that my job is pretty unique. It’s just what I do, just like everyone else sometimes it is hard to get up and go to work. I find it especially hard right now in the dead of winter and in my quiet season.  But then every once in a while I am reminded my job is pretty awesome. (more…)

Would You Say That to Your Boss?


In my position, I spend the majority of my time teaching new students how to run the equipment we own. All the artists know they are coming to a college where learning occurs, and a majority of the audience members know this too.  We constantly hear from artists that we have better equipment and are more prepared than the last school they were at, and I pride myself on that achievement. My expectations for a show are no less than what a professional production person would produce. (more…)

The Translator



Often in my job, I end up being the middle person. I don’t own the contract with the band, but I have to fulfill the requirements. Sometimes I get a say in what is allowed in the rider, other times I get to deal with cross renting items late in the game because I didn’t see the completed contract until the day before. I get to communicate with the band the possibilities for their show but must get all changes approved by the purchaser.

I’m sure many of you deal with people like me while on tour where others are in the same position as venue operators. I would like to point out that being the middle person has also given me an interesting aspect of my job that I tend to forget about the most: The Translator. (more…)

Introducing SoundGirl Heather Holm

Hey Everyone! My name is Heather ‘Stitch’ Holm and I thought I would start my first blog telling you a little bit about what I do and myself.  I am in my late 20’s (first time I’ve had to admit the late part of my 20’s… yuck).  I graduated with a minor in Photography, a bachelor’s in Broadcast and Digital Media Communication, and just last year a master’s in Organizational Change Leadership. I have spent more of my life in school than I have in my career, however, as a young professional with a dynamic job I believe I have some good stories to tell and advice to offer all while I continue to develop and learn my craft. (more…)